
The program includes both a command line and graphical interface. Both will produce the same results.

Command Line

This will run the entire process based on a set of options given at the terminal:

-h, --help            show this help message and exit
-i FILE, --input FILE
                      input folder(s)
-e LABELSEP, --labelsep LABELSEP
                      symbol to split the sample labels on
-r FILE, --reference FILE
                      reference genome filename
                      set the species reference genome, overrides -r
-g FILE, --genbank_file FILE
                      annotation file, optional
-t THREADS, --threads THREADS
                      cpu threads to use
-w, --overwrite       overwrite intermediate files
-T, --trim            whether to trim fastq files
-U, --unmapped        whether to save unmapped reads
                      right trim quality, default 25
-f FILTERS, --filters FILTERS
                      variant calling post-filters
-m MASK, --mask MASK  mask regions from a bed file
-c, --custom          apply custom filters
-p PLATFORM, --platform PLATFORM
                      sequencing platform, change to ont if using oxford nanopore
-a ALIGNER, --aligner ALIGNER
                      aligner to use, bwa, subread, bowtie or minimap2
-b, --buildtree       whether to build a phylogenetic tree, requires RaXML
                      number of bootstraps to build tree
-o FILE, --outdir FILE
                      Results folder
-q, --qc              Get version
-d, --dummy           Check samples but don't run
-x, --test            Test run
-v, --version         Get version


Call with your own reference fasta file:

snipgenie -r reference.fa -i data_files -o results

Use an in built species genome as reference. This will also supply an annotation file. The current options are Mbovis-AF212297, MTB-H37Rv, MAP-K10, M.smegmatis-MC2155:

snipgenie -S Mbovis-AF212297 -i data_files -o results

Provide more than one folder:

snipgenie -r reference.fa -i data_files1 -i data_files2 -o results

Provide an annotation (genbank format) for consequence calling:

snipgenie -r reference.fa -g -i data_files -o results

Add your own filters and provide threads:

snipgenie -r reference.fa -i data_files -t 8 -o results` \
 -f 'QUAL>=40 && INFO/DP>=20 && MQ>40'


You can use any one of the following aligners: bwa, subread, bowtie or minimap2. These should be present on your system, unless using the Windows version. Note that for oxford nanopore reads you should use minimap2 and specify the platform as ‘ont’.

Mask file

You can selectively mask snp sites such as those contained in transposons or repetitive regions from being included in the output. You need to provide a bed file with the following columns: chromosome name, start and end coordinates of the regions. There is currently a built-in mask file used for M.bovis and of you select this genome as reference using the –species option it will be used automatically. Example:

LT708304.1     105359          106751
LT708304.1     131419          132910
LT708304.1     149570          151187
LT708304.1     306201          307872


You can provide single folder with all the files in one place or multiple folders. Folders are searched recursively for inputs with extensions *.f*q.gz. So be careful you don’t have files in the folders you don’t want included. The following file structure will load both sets of files if you provide the parent folder as input. You can also provide multiple separate folders using -i as shown above.

For example if you provide -i data with the following structure:

├── ERR1588781
│   ├── ERR1588781_1.fq.gz
│   └── ERR1588781_2.fq.gz
└── ERR1588785
    ├── ERR1588785_1.fastq.gz
    └── ERR1588785_2.fastq.gz

Filenames are parsed and a sample name is extracted for each pair (if paired end). This is simply done by splitting on the _ symbol. So a file called /path/13-11594_S85_L001-4_R1_001.fastq.gz will be given a sample name 13-11594. As long as the sample names are unique this is ok. If you had a file names like A_2_L001-4_R1_001, A_3_L001-4_R1_001 you should split on ‘-’ instead. You can specify this in the labelsep option. The workflow won’t run unless sample names are unique.


These files will be saved to the output folder when the workflow is finished:

raw.bcf - unfiltered output from bcftools mpileup, not overwritten by default
calls.vcf - unfiltered variant calls
filtered.vcf.gz - filtered vcf from all variant calls
snps.vcf.gz - snps only calls, used to make the core alignment
indels.vcf.gz - indels only, made from filtered calls
core.fa - fasta alignment from core snps, can be used to make a phylogeny
core.txt - text table of core snps
csq.tsv - consequence calls (if genbank provided)
csq_indels.tsv - consequence calls for indels
csq.matrix - matrix of consequence calls
snpdist.csv - comma separated distance matrix using snps
samples.csv - summary table of samples
RAxML_bipartitions.variants - ML tree if RAxML was used, optional
tree.newick - tree with SNPs branch lengths, if RAxMl used

Use from Python

You can run a workflow from within Python by importing the snipgenie package and invoking the WorkFlow class. You need to provide the options in a dictionary with the same keywords as the command line. Notice in this example we are loading files from two folders.

from sngenie import app
args = {'threads':8, 'outdir': 'results', 'labelsep':'-',
        'reference': None, 'overwrite':False}
W = app.WorkFlow(**args)
st = W.setup()