Source code for

    Various methods for bacterial genomics.
    Created Nov 2019
    Copyright (C) Damien Farrell

    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
    modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
    as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3
    of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    GNU General Public License for more details.

    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
    along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
    Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA

import sys,os,subprocess,glob,shutil,re,random,time
import platform
from Bio.SeqRecord import SeqRecord
from Bio.Seq import Seq
from Bio import SeqIO
from Bio import Phylo, AlignIO
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
#import pylab as plt
from gzip import open as gzopen

home = os.path.expanduser("~")
config_path = os.path.join(home,'.config','snipgenie')
bin_path = os.path.join(config_path, 'binaries')
module_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) #path to module
datadir = os.path.join(module_path, 'data')

[docs]def resource_path(relative_path): """ Get absolute path to resource, works for dev and for PyInstaller """ base_path = getattr(sys, '_MEIPASS', os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))) return os.path.join(base_path, relative_path)
[docs]def get_cmd(cmd): """Get windows version of a command if required""" if getattr(sys, 'frozen', False): cmd = resource_path('bin\%s.exe' %cmd) elif platform.system() == 'Windows': cmd = os.path.join(bin_path, '%s.exe' %cmd) return cmd
[docs]def move_files(files, path): if not os.path.exists(path): os.mkdir(path) for f in files: shutil.move(f, os.path.join(path,os.path.basename(f))) return
[docs]def get_attributes(obj): """Get non hidden and built-in type object attributes that can be persisted""" d={} import matplotlib allowed = [str,int,float,list,tuple,bool,matplotlib.figure.Figure] for key in obj.__dict__: if key.startswith('_'): continue item = obj.__dict__[key] if type(item) in allowed: d[key] = item elif type(item) is dict: if checkDict(item) == 1: d[key] = item return d
[docs]def set_attributes(obj, data): """Set attributes from a dict. Used for restoring settings in tables""" for key in data: try: obj.__dict__[key] = data[key] except Exception as e: print (e) return
[docs]def gunzip(infile, outfile): """Gunzip a file""" import gzip import shutil with, 'rb') as f_in: with open(outfile, 'wb') as f_out: shutil.copyfileobj(f_in, f_out) return
[docs]def checkDict(d): """Check a dict recursively for non serializable types""" allowed = [str,int,float,list,tuple,bool] for k, v in d.items(): if isinstance(v, dict): checkDict(v) else: if type(v) not in allowed: return 0 return 1
[docs]def batch_iterator(iterator, batch_size): """Returns lists of length batch_size. This can be used on any iterator, for example to batch up SeqRecord objects from Bio.SeqIO.parse(...), or to batch Alignment objects from Bio.AlignIO.parse(...), or simply lines from a file handle. This is a generator function, and it returns lists of the entries from the supplied iterator. Each list will have batch_size entries, although the final list may be shorter. """ entry = True # Make sure we loop once while entry: batch = [] while len(batch) < batch_size: try: entry = iterator.__next__() except StopIteration: entry = None if entry is None: # End of file break batch.append(entry) if batch: yield batch
[docs]def diffseqs(seq1,seq2): """Diff two sequences""" c=0 for i in range(len(seq1)): if seq1[i] != seq2[i]: c+=1 return c
[docs]def snp_dist_matrix(aln): """Get pairwise snps distances from biopython Multiple Sequence Alignment object. returns: pandas dataframe """ names=[ for s in aln] m = [] for i in aln: x=[] for j in aln: d = diffseqs(i,j) x.append(d) #print (x) m.append(x) m = pd.DataFrame(m,index=names,columns=names) return m
[docs]def get_unique_snps(names, df, present=True): """Get snps unique to one or more samples from a SNP matrix. Args: name: name of sample(s) df: snp matrix from app.get_aa_snp_matrix(csq) present: whether snp should be present/absent """ if type(names) is str: names=[names] insamp = df[names] other = df.loc[:, ~df.columns.isin(names)] if present == True: u = other[other.sum(1)==0] u = insamp.loc[u.index] else: u = other[other.sum(1)==len(other.columns)] #sns.clustermap(df.loc[u.index]) u = insamp.loc[u.index] u = u[u.sum(1)==0] return u
[docs]def get_fasta_length(filename): """Get length of reference sequence""" from pyfaidx import Fasta refseq = Fasta(filename) key = list(refseq.keys())[0] l = len(refseq[key]) return l
[docs]def get_chrom(filename): """Get chromosome name from fasta file""" rec = list(SeqIO.parse(filename, 'fasta'))[0] return
[docs]def get_fastq_info(filename): rl = get_fastq_read_lengths(filename) return int(rl.mean())
[docs]def get_fastq_read_lengths(filename): """Return fastq read lengths""" df = fastq_to_dataframe(filename, size=20000) name = os.path.basename(filename).split('.')[0] return df.length
[docs]def get_fastq_size(filename): """Return fastq number of reads""" cmd = 'expr $(zcat "%s" | wc -l) / 4' %filename tmp = subprocess.check_output(cmd, shell=True) l = int(tmp) return l
[docs]def clustal_alignment(filename=None, seqs=None, command="clustalw"): """Align 2 sequences with clustal""" if filename == None: filename = 'temp.faa' SeqIO.write(seqs, filename, "fasta") name = os.path.splitext(filename)[0] from Bio.Align.Applications import ClustalwCommandline cline = ClustalwCommandline(command, infile=filename) stdout, stderr = cline() align ='.aln', 'clustal') return align
[docs]def make_blast_database(filename, dbtype='nucl'): """Create a blast db from fasta file""" cmd = get_cmd('makeblastdb') cline = '%s -dbtype %s -in %s' %(cmd,dbtype,filename) subprocess.check_output(cline, shell=True) return
[docs]def get_blast_results(filename): """ Get blast results into dataframe. Assumes column names from local_blast method. Returns: dataframe """ cols = ['qseqid','sseqid','qseq','sseq','pident','qcovs','length','mismatch','gapopen', 'qstart','qend','sstart','send','evalue','bitscore','stitle'] res = pd.read_csv(filename, names=cols, sep='\t') #res = res[res['pident']>=ident] return res
[docs]def local_blast(database, query, output=None, maxseqs=50, evalue=0.001, compress=False, cmd='blastn', threads=4, show_cmd=False, **kwargs): """Blast a local database. Args: database: local blast db name query: sequences to query, list of strings or Bio.SeqRecords Returns: pandas dataframe with top blast results """ if output == None: output = os.path.splitext(query)[0]+'_blast.txt' from Bio.Blast.Applications import NcbiblastnCommandline outfmt = '"6 qseqid sseqid qseq sseq pident qcovs length mismatch gapopen qstart qend sstart send evalue bitscore stitle"' cline = NcbiblastnCommandline(query=query, cmd=cmd, task='blastn', db=database, max_target_seqs=maxseqs, outfmt=outfmt, out=output, evalue=evalue, num_threads=threads, **kwargs) if show_cmd == True: print (cline) stdout, stderr = cline() return output
[docs]def remote_blast(db, query, maxseqs=50, evalue=0.001, **kwargs): """Remote blastp. Args: query: fasta file with sequence to blast db: database to use - nr, refseq_protein, pdb, swissprot """ from Bio.Blast.Applications import NcbiblastpCommandline output = os.path.splitext(query)[0]+'_blast.txt' outfmt = '"6 qseqid sseqid qseq sseq pident qcovs length mismatch gapopen qstart qend sstart send evalue bitscore stitle"' cline = NcbiblastpCommandline(query=query, db=db, max_target_seqs=maxseqs, outfmt=outfmt, evalue=evalue, out=output, remote=True, **kwargs) stdout, stderr = cline() return
[docs]def blast_fasta(database, filename, **kwargs): """ Blast a fasta file """ remotedbs = ['nr','refseq_protein','pdb','swissprot'] if database in remotedbs: remote_blast(database, filename, **kwargs) else: outfile = local_blast(database, filename, **kwargs) df = get_blast_results(filename=outfile) return df
[docs]def blast_sequences(database, seqs, labels=None, **kwargs): """ Blast a set of sequences to a local or remote blast database Args: database: local or remote blast db name 'nr', 'refseq_protein', 'pdb', 'swissprot' are valide remote dbs seqs: sequences to query, list of strings or Bio.SeqRecords labels: list of id names for sequences, optional but recommended Returns: pandas dataframe with top blast results """ if not type(seqs) is list: seqs = [seqs] if labels is None: labels = seqs recs=[] #print (labels) for seq, name in zip(seqs,labels): if type(seq) is not SeqRecord: rec = SeqRecord(Seq(seq),id=name) else: rec = seq name = recs.append(rec) SeqIO.write(recs, 'tempseq.fa', "fasta") df = blast_fasta(database, 'tempseq.fa', **kwargs) return df
[docs]def kraken(file1, file2='', dbname='STANDARD16', threads=4): """Run kraken2 on single/paired end fastq files""" os.environ['KRAKEN2_DB_PATH'] = '/local/kraken2' cmd = 'kraken2 -db {db} --report krakenreport.txt --threads {t} --paired {f1} {f2} > kraken.out'.format(f1=file1,f2=file2,t=threads,db=dbname) print (cmd) subprocess.check_output(cmd, shell=True) rep=pd.read_csv('krakenreport.txt',sep='\t',names=['perc_frag','n_frags_root','n_frags','rank_code','taxid','name']) rep['name'] = return rep
[docs]def dataframe_to_fasta(df, seqkey='translation', idkey='locus_tag', descrkey='description', outfile='out.faa'): """Genbank features to fasta file""" seqs=[] for i,row in df.iterrows(): if descrkey in df.columns: d=row[descrkey] else: d='' rec = SeqRecord(Seq(row[seqkey]),id=str(row[idkey]), description=d) seqs.append(rec) SeqIO.write(seqs, outfile, "fasta") return outfile
[docs]def fasta_to_dataframe(infile, header_sep=None, key='name', seqkey='sequence'): """Get fasta proteins into dataframe""" recs = SeqIO.parse(infile,'fasta') keys = [key,seqkey,'description'] data = [(,str(r.seq),str(r.description)) for r in recs] df = pd.DataFrame(data,columns=(keys)) df['type'] = 'CDS' #fix bad names if header_sep not in ['',None]: df[key] = df[key].apply(lambda x: x.split(header_sep)[0],1) df[key] = df[key].str.replace('|','_') return df
[docs]def fastq_random_seqs(filename, size=50): """Random sequences from fastq file. Requires pyfastx. Creates a fastq index which will be a large file. """ #see import pyfastx fq = pyfastx.Fastq(filename, build_index=True) pos = np.random.randint(1,len(fq),size) seqs = [SeqRecord(Seq(fq[i].seq),id=str(fq[i].name)) for i in pos] return seqs
[docs]def fastq_to_rec(filename, size=50): """Get reads from a fastq file Args: size: limit Returns: biopython seqrecords """ ext = os.path.splitext(filename)[1] if ext=='.gz': fastq_parser = SeqIO.parse(gzopen(filename, "rt"), "fastq") else: fastq_parser = SeqIO.parse(open(filename, "r"), "fastq") res=[] i=0 for fastq_rec in fastq_parser: i+=1 if i>size: break res.append(fastq_rec) return res
[docs]def fastq_to_dataframe(filename, size=5000): """Convert fastq to dataframe. size: limit to the first reads of total size, use None to get all reads Returns: dataframe with reads """ if size==None: size=1e7 ext = os.path.splitext(filename)[1] if ext=='.gz': fastq_parser = SeqIO.parse(gzopen(filename, "rt"), "fastq") else: fastq_parser = SeqIO.parse(open(filename, "r"), "fastq") i=0 res=[] for fastq_rec in fastq_parser: #print (fastq_rec.seq) i+=1 if i>size: break res.append([, str(fastq_rec.seq)]) df = pd.DataFrame(res, columns=['id','seq']) df['length'] = df.seq.str.len() return df
[docs]def bam_to_fastq(filename): """bam to fastq using samtools""" samtoolscmd = get_cmd('samtools') name = os.path.basename(filename,threads=4) cmd = '{s} fastq -@ {t} {f} \ -1 {n}_R1.fastq.gz -2 {n}_R2.fastq.gz \ -0 /dev/null -s /dev/null -n'.format(s=samtoolscmd,f=filename,n=name,t=threads) print (cmd) subprocess.check_output(cmd, shell=True) return
[docs]def fastq_to_fasta(filename, out, size=1000): """Convert fastq to fasta size: limit to the first reads of total size """ ext = os.path.splitext(filename)[1] if ext=='.gz': #fastq_parser = SeqIO.parse(gzopen(filename, "rt"), "fastq") #if gzip fails cmd = 'zcat "%s" | head -n %s > temp.fastq' %(filename, int(size)) subprocess.check_output(cmd, shell=True) fastq_parser = SeqIO.parse(open('temp.fastq', "r"), "fastq") else: fastq_parser = SeqIO.parse(open(filename, "r"), "fastq") i=0 recs=[] for fastq_rec in fastq_parser: i+=1 if i>size: break recs.append(fastq_rec) SeqIO.write(recs, out, 'fasta') return
[docs]def records_to_dataframe(records, cds=False, nucl_seq=False): """Get features from a biopython seq record object into a dataframe Args: features: Bio SeqFeatures returns: a dataframe with a row for each cds/entry. """ res = [] for rec in records: featurekeys = [] allfeat = [] keys = [] for (item, f) in enumerate(rec.features): x = f.__dict__ quals = f.qualifiers x.update(quals) d = {} d['start'] = f.location.start d['end'] = f.location.end d['strand'] = f.location.strand d['id'] = d['feat_type'] = f.type for i in quals: if i in x: if type(x[i]) is list: d[i] = x[i][0] else: d[i] = x[i] allfeat.append(d) if nucl_seq == True: nseq = str(rec.seq)[f.location.start:f.location.end] if f.location.strand == -1: d['sequence'] = str(Seq(nseq).reverse_complement()) else: d['sequence'] = nseq keys += [i for i in quals.keys() if i not in keys] quals = keys+['id','start','end','strand','feat_type','sequence'] df = pd.DataFrame(allfeat,columns=quals) if 'translation' in df.keys(): df['length'] = df.translation.astype('str').str.len() res.append(df) if len(df) == 0: print ('ERROR: genbank file return empty data, check that the file contains protein sequences '\ 'in the translation qualifier of each protein feature.' ) return pd.concat(res)
[docs]def genbank_to_dataframe(infile, cds=False): """Get genome records from a genbank file into a dataframe returns a dataframe with a row for each cds/entry""" recs = list(SeqIO.parse(infile,'genbank')) df = records_to_dataframe(recs, cds, nucl_seq=True) return df
[docs]def gff_to_records(gff_file): """Get features from gff file""" if gff_file is None or not os.path.exists(gff_file): return from BCBio import GFF in_handle = open(gff_file,'r') recs = list(GFF.parse(in_handle)) in_handle.close() return recs
[docs]def features_summary(df): """SeqFeatures dataframe summary""" def hypo(val): val = val.lower() kwds=['hypothetical','conserved protein','unknown protein'] for k in kwds: if k in val: return True else: return False coding = df[df.feat_type=='CDS'] trna = df[df.feat_type=='tRNA'] products = coding[coding['product'].notnull()] cdstrans = coding[coding.translation.notnull()] hypo = products[products['product'].apply(hypo)] #pseudo = df[ (df.feat_type == 'gene') & (df.pseudo.notnull())] notags = df[df.locus_tag.isnull()] repeats = df[ (df.feat_type == 'repeat_region')] s = {} s['total features'] = len(df) s['coding sequences'] = len(coding) s['cds with translations'] = len(cdstrans) s['cds with gene names'] = len(coding.gene.dropna()) s['hypothetical'] = len(hypo) #s['pseudogenes'] = len(pseudo) s['trna'] = len(trna) s['repeat_region'] = len(repeats) s['no locus tags'] = len(notags) if len(cdstrans)>0: avlength = int(np.mean([len(i) for i in cdstrans.translation])) s['mean sequence length'] = avlength return s
[docs]def trim_reads_default(filename, outfile, right_quality=35): """Trim adapters - built in method""" #trimmed = [] fastq_parser = SeqIO.parse(gzopen(filename, "rt"), "fastq") c=0 out = gzopen(outfile, "wt") for record in fastq_parser: score = record.letter_annotations["phred_quality"] for i in range(len(score)-1,0,-1): if score[i] >= right_quality: break #trimmed.append(record[:i]) SeqIO.write(record[:i],out,'fastq') return
[docs]def trim_reads(filename1, filename2, outpath, quality=20, method='cutadapt', threads=4): """Trim adapters using cutadapt""" outfile1 = os.path.join(outpath, os.path.basename(filename1)) outfile2 = os.path.join(outpath, os.path.basename(filename2)) if method == 'cutadapt': cmd = 'cutadapt -m 80 -O 5 -q {q} -j {t} -o {o} -p {p} {f1} {f2} '\ .format(f1=filename1,f2=filename2,o=outfile1,p=outfile2,t=threads,q=quality) print (cmd) result = subprocess.check_output(cmd, shell=True, executable='/bin/bash') return outfile1, outfile2
[docs]def get_subsample_reads(filename, outpath, reads=10000): """ Sub-sample a fastq file with first n reads. Args: filename: input fastq.gz file outpath: output directory to save new file reads: how many reads to sample from start """ lines = reads*4 #print (lines % 4) name = os.path.basename(filename) #print (name) out = os.path.join(outpath, name) cmd = 'zcat {f} | head -n {r} | gzip > {o}'.format(f=filename,r=lines,o=out) print (cmd) subprocess.check_output(cmd, shell=True) return
[docs]def get_vcf_samples(filename): """Get list of samples in a vcf/bcf""" from io import StringIO bcftoolscmd = get_cmd('bcftools') cmd = '{bc} query -l {f}'.format(bc=bcftoolscmd,f=filename) tmp = subprocess.check_output(cmd, shell=True, universal_newlines=True) c = pd.read_csv(StringIO(tmp),sep='\t',names=['name']) return
[docs]def vcf_to_dataframe(vcf_file): """ Convert a multi sample vcf to dataframe. Records each samples FORMAT fields. Args: vcf_file: input multi sample vcf Returns: pandas DataFrame """ import vcf ext = os.path.splitext(vcf_file)[1] if ext == '.gz': file = gzopen(vcf_file, "rt") else: file = open(vcf_file) vcf_reader = vcf.Reader(file,'r') res=[] cols = ['sample','REF','ALT','mut','DP','ADF','ADR','AD','chrom','var_type', 'sub_type','pos','start','end','QUAL'] i=0 for rec in vcf_reader: #if i>50: # break x = [rec.CHROM, rec.var_type, rec.var_subtype, rec.POS, rec.start, rec.end, rec.QUAL] for sample in rec.samples: if sample.gt_bases == None: mut='' row = [sample.sample, rec.REF, sample.gt_bases, mut, 0,0,0,0] elif rec.REF != sample.gt_bases: mut = str(rec.end)+rec.REF+'>'+sample.gt_bases cdata = row = [sample.sample, rec.REF, sample.gt_bases, mut, cdata[2], cdata[4] ,cdata[5], cdata[6]] + x else: mut = str(rec.end)+rec.REF #inf = cdata = row = [sample.sample, rec.REF, sample.gt_bases, mut, cdata[2], cdata[4] ,cdata[5], cdata[6]] + x res.append(row) res = pd.DataFrame(res,columns=cols) res = res[~res.start.isnull()] res['pos'] = res.pos.astype(int) #res['end'] = res.end.astype(int) return res
[docs]def get_snp_matrix(df): """SNP matrix from multi sample vcf dataframe""" df = df.drop_duplicates(['mut','sample']) x = df.set_index(['mut','sample'])['start'].unstack('sample') x[x.notna()] = 1 x = x.fillna(0) return x
[docs]def plot_fastq_qualities(filename, ax=None, limit=10000): """Plot fastq qualities for illumina reads.""" if not os.path.exists(filename): return import matplotlib.patches as patches import pylab as plt fastq_parser = SeqIO.parse(gzopen(filename, "rt"), "fastq") res=[] c=0 for record in fastq_parser: score=record.letter_annotations["phred_quality"] res.append(score) c+=1 if c>limit: break df = pd.DataFrame(res) n = int(len(df.columns)/50) #df = df[df.columns[::n]] l = len(df.T)+1 if ax==None: f,ax=plt.subplots(figsize=(12,5)) rect = patches.Rectangle((0,0),l,20,linewidth=0,facecolor='r',alpha=.4) ax.add_patch(rect) rect = patches.Rectangle((0,20),l,8,linewidth=0,facecolor='yellow',alpha=.4) ax.add_patch(rect) rect = patches.Rectangle((0,28),l,12,linewidth=0,facecolor='g',alpha=.4) ax.add_patch(rect) df.mean().plot(ax=ax,c='black') boxprops = dict(linestyle='-', linewidth=1, color='black') df.plot(kind='box', ax=ax, grid=False, showfliers=False, color=dict(boxes='black',whiskers='black') ) n = int(l/10) ax.set_xticks(np.arange(0, l, n)) ax.set_xticklabels(np.arange(0, l, n)) ax.set_xlabel('position(bp)') ax.set_xlim((0,l)) ax.set_ylim((0,40)) ax.set_title('per base sequence quality') return
[docs]def normpdf(x, mean, sd): """Normal distribution function""" import math var = float(sd)**2 denom = (2*math.pi*var)**.5 num = math.exp(-(float(x)-float(mean))**2/(2*var)) return num/denom
[docs]def get_gc(filename, limit=1e4): from Bio.SeqUtils import GC df = fastq_to_dataframe(filename, size=limit) gc = df.seq.apply(lambda x: GC(x)) return gc
[docs]def plot_fastq_gc_content(filename, ax=None, limit=50000): """Plot fastq gc conent""" import pylab as plt from Bio.SeqUtils import GC if ax==None: f,ax=plt.subplots(figsize=(12,5)) df = fastq_to_dataframe(filename, size=limit) gc = df.seq.apply(lambda x: GC(x)) gc.hist(ax=ax,bins=150,color='black',grid=False,histtype='step',lw=2) ax.set_xlim((0,100)) x=np.arange(1,100,.1) meangc = round(gc.mean(),2) f = [normpdf(i, meangc, gc.std()) for i in x] ax2=ax.twinx() ax2.plot(x,f) ax2.set_ylim(0,max(f)) ax.set_title('GC content. Mean=%s' %meangc,size=15) return
[docs]def fastq_quality_report(filename, figsize=(7,5), **kwargs): """Fastq quality plots""" import pylab as plt fig,ax = plt.subplots(2,1, figsize=figsize, dpi=100, facecolor=(1,1,1), edgecolor=(0,0,0)) axs = ax.flat plot_fastq_qualities(filename, ax=axs[0], **kwargs) plot_fastq_gc_content(filename, ax=axs[1]) plt.tight_layout() return fig
[docs]def pdf_qc_reports(filenames, outfile='qc_report.pdf'): """Save pdf reports of fastq file quality info""" import pylab as plt from matplotlib.backends.backend_pdf import PdfPages with PdfPages(outfile) as pdf: for f in sorted(filenames): print (f) fig = fastq_quality_report(f) fig.subplots_adjust(top=.9) fig.suptitle(os.path.basename(f)) pdf.savefig(fig) plt.clf()
[docs]def concat_seqrecords(recs): """Join seqrecords together""" concated = Seq("") for r in recs: concated += r.seq return SeqRecord(concated, id=recs[0].id)
[docs]def core_alignment_from_vcf(vcf_file, callback=None, uninformative=False, missing=False, omit=None): """ Get core SNP site calls as sequences from a multi sample vcf file. Args: vcf_file: multi-sample vcf (e.g. produced by app.variant_calling) uninformative: whether to include uninformative sites missing: whether to include sites with one or more missing samples (ie. no coverage) omit: list of samples to exclude if required """ import vcf from collections import defaultdict vcf_reader = vcf.Reader(open(vcf_file, 'rb')) #print (vcf_reader.samples) def default(): return [] result = defaultdict(default) sites = [] result['ref'] = [] missing_sites = [] uninf_sites = [] for record in vcf_reader: S = {sample.sample: sample.gt_bases for sample in record.samples} if omit != None: for o in omit: del S[o] #if any missing samples at the site we don't add if None in S.values(): #print (S) missing_sites.append(record.POS) if missing == False: continue #ignore uninformative sites if uninformative == False: u = set(S.values()) if len(u) == 1: uninf_sites.append(record.POS) continue result['ref'].append(record.REF) #get bases over all samples for name in S: val = S[name] if val == None: val = 'N' result[name].append(val) sites.append(record.POS) sites = sorted(list(set(sites))) print ('found %s sites for core snps' %len(sites)) print ('%s sites with at least one missing sample' %len(missing_sites)) if uninformative == False: print ('%s uninformative sites' %len(uninf_sites)) if len(sites)==0: print ('no sites found may mean:\n' '- one sample is too different\n' '- few reads aligned due to poor coverage') recs = [] for sample in result: seq = ''.join(result[sample]) seqrec = SeqRecord(Seq(seq),id=sample) recs.append(seqrec) #print (len(seqrec)) smat = pd.DataFrame(result) smat.index = sites smat.index.rename('pos', inplace=True) smat = smat.sort_index() return recs, smat
[docs]def samtools_flagstat(filename): """Parse samtools flagstat output into dictionary""" samtoolscmd = get_cmd('samtools') cmd = '{s} flagstat {f}'.format(f=filename,s=samtoolscmd) tmp = subprocess.check_output(cmd, shell=True, universal_newlines=True) x = tmp.split('\n') x = [int(i.split('+')[0]) for i in x[:-1]] #print (x) cols = ['total','primary','secondary','supplementary','duplicates','primary duplicates', 'mapped','primary mapped', 'paired','read1','read2','properly paired','with itself','singletons'] d = {} for c,v in zip(cols,x): #print (c,v) d[c] = v #d['perc_mapped'] = round(d['mapped']/d['total']*100,2) return d
[docs]def samtools_tview(bam_file, chrom, pos, width=200, ref='', display='T'): """View bam alignment with samtools""" samtoolscmd = get_cmd('samtools') os.environ["COLUMNS"] = str(width) cmd = '{sc} tview {b} -p {c}:{p} -d {d} {r}'\ .format(b=bam_file,c=chrom,p=pos,d=display,r=ref,sc=samtoolscmd) #print (cmd) tmp = subprocess.check_output(cmd, shell=True, universal_newlines=True) return tmp
[docs]def samtools_coverage(bam_file): """Get coverage/depth stats from bam file""" samtoolscmd = get_cmd('samtools') cmd = '{sc} coverage {b}'.format(b=bam_file,sc=samtoolscmd) tmp = subprocess.check_output(cmd, shell=True, universal_newlines=True) from io import StringIO c = pd.read_csv(StringIO(tmp),sep='\t',header=0).round(2) c = c.iloc[0] return c
[docs]def samtools_depth(bam_file, chrom=None, start=None, end=None): """Get depth from bam file""" samtoolscmd = get_cmd('samtools') if chrom != None and start != None: cmd = '{sc} depth -r {c}:{s}-{e} {b}'.format(b=bam_file,c=chrom,s=start,e=end,sc=samtoolscmd) else: cmd = '{sc} depth {b}'.format(b=bam_file,sc=samtoolscmd) tmp = subprocess.check_output(cmd, shell=True, universal_newlines=True) from io import StringIO c = pd.read_csv(StringIO(tmp),sep='\t',names=['chr','pos','depth']) return c
[docs]def get_mean_depth(bam_file, chrom=None, start=None, end=None, how='mean'): """Get mean depth from bam file""" c = samtools_depth(bam_file, chrom, start, end) if how == 'mean': return c.depth.mean().round(2) else: return c.depth.sum().round(2)
[docs]def fetch_sra_reads(df,path): """Download a set of reads from SRA using dataframe with runs""" for i,r in df.iterrows(): files = glob.glob(os.path.join(path,r.Run+'*')) if len(files)==0: cmd = 'fastq-dump --split-files {n} --outdir {o}'.format(n=r.Run,o=path) print (cmd) subprocess.check_output(cmd,shell=True)
[docs]def gff_bcftools_format(in_file, out_file): """Convert a genbank file to a GFF format that can be used in bcftools csq. see Args: in_file: genbank file out_file: name of GFF file """ from BCBio import GFF in_handle = open(in_file) out_handle = open(out_file, "w") from Bio.SeqFeature import SeqFeature from Bio.SeqFeature import FeatureLocation from copy import copy #recs = GFF.parse(in_handle) recs = SeqIO.parse(in_file,format='gb') for record in recs: #make a copy of the record as we will be changing it during the loop new = copy(record) new.features = [] #loop over all features for i in range(0,len(record.features)): feat = record.features[i] q = feat.qualifiers if not 'locus_tag' in q: continue #print (q) #remove some unecessary qualifiers for label in ['note','translation','product','experiment']: if label in q: del q[label] if(feat.type == "CDS"): #use the CDS feature to create the new lines tag = q['locus_tag'][0] q['ID'] = 'CDS:%s' %tag q['Parent'] = 'transcript:%s' %tag q['biotype'] = 'protein_coding' #create mRNA feature m = SeqFeature(feat.location,type='mRNA',strand=feat.strand) q = m.qualifiers q['ID'] = 'transcript:%s' %tag q['Parent'] = 'gene:%s' %tag q['biotype'] = 'protein_coding' new.features.append(m) elif(record.features[i].type == "gene"): #edit the gene feature q=feat.qualifiers q['ID'] = 'gene:%s' %q['locus_tag'][0] q['biotype'] = 'protein_coding' if 'gene' in q: q['Name'] = q['gene'] new.features.append(feat) #write the new features to a GFF GFF.write([new], out_handle) return
[docs]def get_spoligotype(filename, reads_limit=3000000, threshold=2, threads=4): """Get mtb spoligotype from WGS reads""" ref = os.path.join(datadir, 'dr_spacers.fa') #convert reads to fasta try: fastq_to_fasta(filename, 'temp.fa', reads_limit) except Exception as e: print(e) return #make blast db from reads make_blast_database('temp.fa') #blast spacers to db bl = blast_fasta('temp.fa', ref, evalue=0.1, threads=threads, maxseqs=reads_limit, show_cmd=False) bl=bl[(bl.qcovs>90) & (bl.mismatch<=threshold)] x = bl.groupby('qseqid').agg({'pident':np.size}).reset_index() x = x[x.pident>=threshold] found = list(x.qseqid) s=[] for i in range(1,44): if i in found: s.append('1') else: s.append('0') s =''.join(s) #print (s) return s
[docs]def get_sb_number(binary_str): """Get SB number from binary pattern usinf database reference""" df = pd.read_csv(os.path.join(datadir, 'Mbovis.org_db.csv')) x = df[df['binary'] == binary_str] if len(x) == 0: return else: return x.iloc[0].SB
[docs]def get_spoligotypes(samples, spo=None): """Get spoligotypes for multiple M.bovis strains""" if spo is not None: done=list(spo['sample']) else: done=[] samples = samples.drop_duplicates('sample') res=[] for i,r in samples.iterrows(): f=r.filename1 samp=r['sample'] if samp in done: continue b = get_spoligotype(f) sb = get_sb_number(b) print (r['sample'], sb, b) res.append([r['sample'],sb,b]) res = pd.DataFrame(res,columns=['sample','SB','code']) return res